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【韶风名家论坛】高泰祖(Ko Tae Jo) 教授:New deburring technologies for drilled hole in CFRP


报告题目:New deburring technologies for drilled hole in CFRP

人:高泰祖(Ko Tae Jo)  教授;韩国岭南大学机械工学院院长

报告摘要:Demand for using CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) is increasing in the field of aerospace , automotive, civil engineering, sports goods industries due to its mechanical strength, light weight, that is to say strength to weight ratio. The main cutting methods in CFRP are routing and drilling. Normally in case drilling hole, drill bit is easily worn from the its inherent brittle property of carbon fiber. Along with the progress of wear, the quality of drilled hole decreases with the presence of uncut fiber or resin ,delamination,spalling and so on. Those defects are unacceptable in the assembly processes.Therefore, the uncut fiber or resin should be removed before assembly. This research presents the uncut fiber generation mechanism and shows some methods to deburr those defects by using dry EDM, Ice back plate method, and mechanical methods.


    高泰祖教授,1961年出生,韩国人, 现任韩国岭南大学机械工学院院长,韩国机械加工学会会长,韩国精密工学会副会长,精密工程与制造国际SCI期刊主编。1994年在韩国浦项科技大学获得博士学位。分别在19992005年在美国俄亥俄州立大学和加利福利亚大学欧文分校做访问教授。1985年至1995年在韩国大宇重工做高级研究员。1996年到岭南大学工作。研究领域涉及精密机床,超精密加工,复合加工,微生物加工,高速切削,切削刀具等,取得国际领先水平成果。出版著作5部,SCI论文100余篇。


人:胡自化  教授

    间:2017 1127 日(星期一)上午9:30











